If you move your eyes and your head, the picture will blur. 如果你的眼睛或头动了,图像就会变得模糊不清。
As people move storage from direct host attachment into a shared SAN storage infrastructure, they're adding complexity to the picture. 当人们将存储从直接主机连接转移到共享的SAN存储基础设施中时,复杂性随之增加。
What if we move the picture here? Do you think it will look better? 把这幅画移到这里怎么样?你觉得看起来好一些吗?
What if we move the picture over there? 如果我们将画移到那将会怎样?
Keep still-don't move. I'll take a picture of you. 不要动,我给你照张像。
If you would move sideways to the left, I can get everyone on the picture. 如果你向左边移一点儿,我就能把所有的人拍进照片。
Chorier uses a remote control to move the cradle and camera into the best position to take the picture and check the images with a portable TV screen. 肖利叶使用遥控装置调整吊篮和相机的位置进行拍摄,并用一个便携式的电视屏幕查看照片。
Growing up, we, especially girls, like to move the furniture around, constantly changing how we picture our homes. 而当我们稍稍长大时,尤其是女孩子,都喜欢把家具们搬来搬去,不断变化着我们对家的设想。
Move inland from the coasts and away from the industrial Midwest, however, and the picture, for now, looks less grim. 如果我们把视线从沿海地区以及中西部的工业地区移向内陆地区的话,那里的情况会稍微好一些。
If they prefer to move towards the pleasure of having your product or service; then paint them a picture of how great it will be when they are using your product or service. 如果他们享受拥有你的产品或服务的喜悦,则描绘一幅当他们是用你的产品或服务的美丽画卷。
Click Transfer It! to move the picture to an application window. 请单击传送以将该图片移至某应用程序窗口。
You cannot copy or move files either into or out of a picture library image preview folder. 不能将文件复制或移动到图片库图像预览文件夹中或将文件复制或移动出该文件夹。
But to improve pictures, you will often want to move the subject away from the center of the picture. 但为了提高照片品质,您经常要使拍摄对象不在照片中央。
The way we compensate for this is to move our eyes around to fill in the gaps and create a better picture of the world around us. 我们弥补这一点的办法是转动我们的眼球巡视以填补视觉上的空白,构造出一幅更好的周遭世界的画面。
Move picture recording analysis systematically handling certain difficult, to complicated, need to have and training ability operation strictly. 运动录像解析系统的操作也相对复杂,需要有一定的基础知识和严格培训才能操作。